Lutron Announces the New RadioRA 3 System is Now Shipping

Jan 17, 2022

devices Orders for the new RadioRA 3 wireless processors and Sunnata RF keypads, dimmers, and switches have begun shipping to Lutron customers. Featuring the first-ever line of wall controls with both light bar design and IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity, a new all-in-one processor powered by PoE (Power over Ethernet), and new simpler PC programming software and app-based editing features, trained installers will now have access to install RadioRA 3 and transform how their customers experience lighting control.


The following new products are now shipping:

Description Model #
RadioRA 3 Wireless Processor RR-PROC3-KIT, RR-PROC3-CW
RadioRA 3 Sunnata RF PRO LED+ Dimmer RRST-PRO-N
RadioRA 3 Sunnata RF Switch RRST-8ANS
RadioRA 3 Sunnata RF Keypads RRST-W4B, RRST-W3RL, RRST-W2B
RadioRA 3 Sunnata RF Companion Dimmer RRST-RD
RadioRA 3 Sunnata RF Companion Switch RRST-RS


Professionals eager to get started with Lutron’s RadioRA 3 should check with their local Lutron distributor for availability and/or to place an order. Customers that purchase direct from Lutron can see order status and Estimated Ship Dates by logging into Lutron’s myOrders.

The latest Lutron Designer software (version 21.7) is also now available.

New to this release includes conversion of RA2 projects to RA3! Simply open the RA2 project file in Lutron Designer, and the project will be automatically converted. For this feature, and all of the latest RadioRA 3 updates and improvements, be sure to download the latest Lutron Designer through myResources under the Technical Information section. For those that have not yet completed RadioRA 3 qualification, please first visit Lutron’s Lighting Control Institute to complete training and receive access to the RA3 setup tools.

For more information on how to get started with RadioRA 3 and the software tools for system setup, click here for the RadioRA 3 Getting Started Guide

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